Component B — Technical Assistance to Improvement of Framework Conditions in the Agricultural Sector in Burkina Faso, under the Programme for Economic Growth within the Agricultural Sector 2013 — 2018.


Restricted procedure
8/31/2017 9:17 AM (GMT+02:00)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, DANIDA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, DANIDA
Camilla Christensen Sofie Fischermann
Asiatisk Plads 2
1448 Copenhagen K

Assignment text

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark 43271911 Asiatisk Plads 2 Copenhagen K 1448 Sofie Fischermann +45 25100595 Component B — Technical Assistance to Improvement of Framework Conditions in the Agricultural Sector in Burkina Faso, under the Programme for Economic Growth within the Agricultural Sector 2013 — 2018. Burkina Faso. This modification notice concerns an addendum to a contract that was procured for in 2012, cf. contract notice No 2012/S 250-414573. The original contract concerns technical assistance to the public sector component of the Danish agricultural sector Programme for Economic Growth within the Agricultural Sector in Burkina Faso. The contract includes support to a) the development of the legal and regulatory conditions, and b) public infrastructure in selected value chains in 5 regions in Burkina Faso. 60 2012/S 250-414573 1 Component B — Technical Assistance to Improvement of Framework Conditions in the Agricultural Sector in Burkina Faso, under the Programme for Economic Growth within the Agricultural Sector 2013 — 2018 2013-06-12 COWI A/S 32892973 Parallelvej 2 Kongens Lyngby 2800 27716626.00 Klagenævnet for Udbud (The Complaints Board for Public Procurement) Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2 Viborg 8800 +45 72405708 In regards to the addendum mentioned below, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark has followed the procedure stated in section 4 of the Danish Consolidation Act no 590 of 2.6.2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (available at, cf. the voluntary ex ante notice No 2017/S 134-275177. Thus, complaints must be filed with The Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 30 calender days starting from the day after the contract award notice has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, cf. section 7(3) of the Danish Consolidation Act no 590 of 2.6.2016 on the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (available at Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen (The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority) Carl Jacobsens Vej 35 Valby 2500 +45 41715000 2017-08-28 Burkina Faso. Please see section VII.2.2) below. 2017-08-01 2020-12-31 39878419.00 COWI A/S 32892973 Parallelvej 2 Kongens Lyngby 2800 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has concluded an addendum to the above mentioned existing contract between with COWI A/S. As mentioned above, the existing contract regards consulting services regarding assistance to improvement of framework conditions in the agricultural sector in Burkina Faso. The addendum includes the following changes to the existing contract: (A) A change in the consultant's team comprising a reduction of the team by 6 persons and an introduction of 2 new profiles (a sociologist and a value chain specialist) for the remaining period of the contract. (B) An extension of the current contract period of 60 months by 30 months to a total of 90 months. This includes an increase in inputs for the team leader and 6 other key staff, including the 2 new profiles mentioned above in (A). The total net value of the change (10 648 239 DKK) constitutes around 38 % of the value of the original contract (27 716 625 DKK ). The changes covered by the addendum are necessary for the performance of the contract. Furthermore, the use of another supplier would not be possible without causing significant financial and technical inconvenience. This would also result in significant problems and increase in the costs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thus, the change is covered by section 181 of the Danish Procurement Act. Furthermore, since the need for the change could not have be foreseen by a diligent contracting authority (the cause of the need of the change was political turmoil in Burkina Faso) and the overall nature of the contract is not altered by the addendum, the change is also covered by section 183 of the Danish Procurement Act. 29230180.00 39878419.00

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