Analysis of how standardisation can contribute to growth


Open procedure
7/9/2012 2:56 PM (GMT+02:00)
8/21/2012 11:55 PM (GMT+02:00)


Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsen
Morten Kallestrup Morten Kallestrup
Langelinie Alle 17 17
2100 København Ø

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The Danish Business Authority requests an analysis of the potentials of the use of standards and standardisation in business policies in Denmark.

The analysis should comprise an assessment of the potentials of a more deliberate and active use of standards in business policy and in businesses in Denmark, and on this basis provide a list of recommendations for industry and policy-makers.

The analysis should include:

- A comparison of the Danish conditions with the lessons learned abroad on how to use standardisation as an active driver of growth through knowledge gathering and dissemination, market maturation, market access/entry, verification, etc. in specific industries or sectors.

- A mapping of how a more active approach to standardisation may promote Denmark's innovation and competitiveness in specific industries as well as competitiveness, productivity and growth in general.

- An identification of policy areas in which standardisation may be utilised as a policy tool in Denmark, e.g. inspired by how cooperation between authorities, research institutions and private companies have been realised elsewhere.

- A list of specific recommendations on what initiatives (political and/or private) can help to realise these potentials.

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