Direktoratet for Samfunnssikkerhet og Beredskap, Rambergveien 9, attn: Liv Riseth, NORWAY, - 3115 Tønsberg. Tel. +47 33412631. E-mail: liv.riseth@dsb.no.
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 24.2.2012, 2012/S 38-061885)
2012/S 83-135333
CPV:30213000, 30200000, 30213000, 30213100, 30213300, 30230000, 30231300, 30233131, 30233132, 30233180, 30234500, 30234600, 30237000
Personal computers.
Computer equipment and supplies.
Portable computers.
Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinued.