Contract on Global Analysis for International Profiling and Positioning of the Nordic Region


eForm DKE3 Announcement of tender below the threshold value
12/23/2024 3:24 PM (GMT+01:00)
1/27/2025 12:00 PM (GMT+01:00)
1/15/2025 12:00 PM (GMT+01:00)


Nordisk Ministerråd - Sekretariatet Nordisk Ministerråd - Sekretariatet
Christian Søndergaard Christensen Christian Søndergaard Christensen
Ved Stranden 18
1061 København K

Short description

The global analysis should provide valuable insights into how the concept of the Nordics and the Nordic brand is perceived in different markets. This insight will inform decisions on which countries, regions, and markets to prioritise and what strategic initiatives will strengthen the Nordic profile in those specific contexts.

Tasks and deliverables
This task requires that the tenderer undertakes a systematic global analysis of how the Nordic region as an entity is perceived in different countries, regions, and markets to inform strategic decisions on how the region is best profiled and positioned internationally for maximal impact in showcasing the Nordic region globally and thereby increasing the competitiveness and international influence of the Nordic countries in the world. In performing this task, the tenderer is expected to

  • investigate and compile which countries, regions, and markets (hereafter contexts) are appropriate target groups for international profiling and positioning of the Nordic Region based on perceptions,
  • include, where feasible, a prioritisation between these contexts for maximal impact in line with the task description above,
  • in doing so, investigate the awareness and understanding of the Nordic region as a unified entity rather than as individual countries.
The tenderer is expected to make clear suggestion(s) for the method(s) used in undertaking the systematic global analysis and consider both qualitative and quantitative research methods. These may include, but are not limited to, surveys, short and long interviews with, for example, expert representatives of international and political institutions in both the global north and south and business representatives in key trading markets and trading competitors, as well as customer countries of trade competitors. Consideration should also be given to methods which gather perceptions from members of the public where appropriate

Time frame
A draft final report is to be delivered March 4, 2025.  
Final, ready-to-publish report is to be delivered March 25, 2025.  

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
Tender Notice Conditions Global Analysis.pdf 265 KB
Draft Agreement Global Analysis.pdf 120 KB
Declaration of Faith and Law on exclusion grounds Global Analysis.pdf 90 KB
Annex 3 The Consultant's obligations regarding social responsibility Global Analysis.pdf 171 KB

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