Chemical analysis and related services for bedrock, exploration and geochemical surveys


Open procedure
9/24/2024 10:08 AM (GMT+02:00)
10/28/2024 3:00 PM (GMT+01:00)


Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Vuorimiehentie 5
02151 Espoo

Short description

Geologian tutkimuskeskus (in English: the Geological Survey of Finland, "GTK ") invites you to tender for the public contract according to the contract notice, this Invitation to Tender ( "ITT ") and its Appendices. Tenderers failing to satisfy the minimum requirements set by the contracting authority shall be excluded from participation in competitive bidding.

Tenders are requested for chemical analysis and related services. These services constitute a substantial part of GTK’s survey activities. GTK will enter into co-operation agreement on the grounds of this purchasing procedure.

The scope and objective of the awarding of the public contracts to be signed are:

Analytical services for bedrock, exploration and geochemical surveys
The analytical services for bedrock, exploration and geochemical surveys consist of preprocessing (drying, sieving, crushing, pulverizing) and chemical analyses of drill cores, rock samples, and geochemical samples (e.g. till, regolith). See more information in the tender documentation classified as (A1-A9, Pricing list, Explanatory document, Acceptance rejection test) under Appendix 1.

Analyzing services will include the preparations and/or pre-processing of samples to be analyzed. The tenderer will also be responsible to arrange reception of the samples in territory of Finland as detailed in this ITT and all logistics involved with the samples from the reception point to the analysis facilities. The tenderer is also responsible for arranging the logistics for the samples to be returned to the individual order specific GTK facility.

The requested services are described in detail under Appendices 1 A 1-9 to this Invitation to Tender. Additional information related to the Quality Assurance and associated procedures are described in Appendix 2.

Please note that many of the appendices are to be filled in and returned as tender documents as they will be part of the evaluation of compliance with this Invitation to Tender. Note that also the tender document for pricing is included. Please also make sure that you attach all other documents as required in this ITT.

The tenderer must ensure that the service may be requested from named Contact persons for different service sectors at least in the Finnish or English language as applicable.

Please see more infomation in the appendixes of this notice.

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
Appendix_1_A7_C_2024.docx 60 KB
Appendix_1_A6_Multi-Acid_2024.docx 69 KB
Appendix_1_A3_trace elements_2024.docx 62 KB
HilmaIlmoitus527053.pdf 431 KB
Analyses_Invitation_letter 2024 September.docx 99 KB
TarjouspyyntoRaportti527053.pdf 413 KB
Appendix 4 Draft contract (2).pdf 256 KB
Appendix_3_Template for analytical results 2024.pdf 139 KB
Appendix_1_A_Pricing_list_2024.xlsx 18 KB
Appendix_1_A_Acceptance Rejection Test_2024.pdf 147 KB
Appendix_1_A_Explanatory document_2024.pdf 168 KB
Appendix for supplier affirmation and contract clause on sanctions_21052024.docx 29 KB
JYSE_SERVICES_2022_25.pdf 278 KB
Appendix_1_A2.1_XRF_2024.docx 61 KB
Appendix_1_A2.2_ICP-MS_2024.docx 61 KB
Statement for the verification of suitability as a tender.docx 20 KB
Appendix_1_A5_Aqua regia_2024.docx 70 KB
Appendix_1_A9_Li_2024.docx 62 KB
Appendix_2_Quality control_2024.pdf 169 KB
Appendix_1_A8_Carbonate_2024.docx 59 KB
Appendix_1_A4_Au_Pd_Pt_2024.docx 60 KB
espd_527053.pdf 467 KB
Appendix_1_A1_Sample preparation_2024.docx 60 KB

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