Rammeavtale for AutoPASS vegkantutstyr til Vegfinans AS


eForm 16 Contract notice — standard regime
Open procedure
10/31/2024 2:10 PM (GMT+01:00)
11/19/2024 12:00 PM (GMT+01:00)
11/5/2024 12:00 PM (GMT+01:00)


Dan Isak Kveta Dan Isak Kveta
Ingeniør Rybergs gate 99

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Rammeavtale for anskaffelse, installasjon og vedlikehold av AutoPASS vegkantutstyr til Vegfinans inkl. datterselskaper.

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
Invitation to Tender - Framework agreement for AutoPASS charging point equipment.pdf 296 KB
SSA-K Agreement.docx 127 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 2 AP-1.4 AutoPASS Processing of Signal Codes.pdf 294 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 3 AP-1.3 AutoPASS EFC Security Architecture.pdf 772 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 4 AP-1.6 Requirements for On-board Equipment (OBE) for use in AutoPASS Samvirke.pdf 962 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 5 AP-3.2 OBU Status File.pdf 459 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 6 AP-3.5 Accepted Issuer Table - AIT.pdf 306 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 7 AP-3.6 DSRC Keyfile.pdf 252 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 8 AP-3.8 Transaction File - TR.pdf 639 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 9 AP-3.9 Picture File.pdf 343 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 10 AP-3.10 Picture Text File.pdf 281 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 11 AP-3.11 Tariff File.pdf 334 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 12 REMS API Documentation.pdf 975 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 13 Roadside interface to AutoPASS HUB.pdf 11 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 14 Interface specification for AutoPASS HUB.pdf 603 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 Annex 15 Messaging interface for Roadside Components.pdf 118 KB
SSA-K Appendix 1 The Customer’s specification of needs and specification of requirements.pdf 605 KB
SSA-K Appendix 2 Annex 1 Supplier solution specification form.xlsx 29 KB
SSA-K Appendix 2 The Supplier’s specification of the delivery.docx 83 KB
SSA-K Appendix 3 The Customer’s technical platform.pdf 158 KB
SSA-K Appendix 4 Delivery date and other deadlines.docx 92 KB
SSA-K Appendix 5 Acceptance test.docx 88 KB
SSA-K Appendix 6 Administrative provisions.docx 91 KB
SSA-K Appendix 7 Price and price provisions.docx 86 KB
SSA-K Appendix 8 Amendments to the general agreement text.docx 81 KB
SSA-K Appendix 9 Amendments to the Agreement after the Agreement has been entered into.pdf 87 KB
SSA-K Appendix 10 Standard license terms for standard software and free software.docx 79 KB
SSA-K Appendix 11 Data Processing Agreement Appendices.pdf 407 KB
SSA-K Appendix 11 Data Processing Agreement.pdf 293 KB
SSA-R Agreement.docx 89 KB
SSA-R Appendix 1 General description of the deliverables to which the framework applies.pdf 104 KB
SSA-R Appendix 2 Procedures for issuing awarding contracts under the Framework Agreement.pdf 94 KB
SSA-R Appendix 3 Agreement terms and conditions.pdf 91 KB
SSA-R Appendix 4 Administrative provisions.docx 78 KB
SSA-R Appendix 5 Prices and price provisions.pdf 88 KB
SSA-R Appendix 6 Changes to the general contractual wording.docx 80 KB
SSA-R Appendix 7 Changes subsequent to the conclusion of the Agreement.pdf 88 KB
SSA-V Agreement.docx 145 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 2 AP-1.4 AutoPASS Processing of Signal Codes.pdf 294 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 3 AP-1.3 AutoPASS EFC Security Architecture.pdf 772 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 4 AP-1.6 Requirements for On-board Equipment (OBE) for use in AutoPASS Samvirke.pdf 962 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 5 AP-3.2 OBU Status File.pdf 459 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 6 AP-3.5 Accepted Issuer Table - AIT.pdf 306 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 7 AP-3.6 DSRC Keyfile.pdf 252 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 8 AP-3.8 Transaction File - TR.pdf 639 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 9 AP-3.9 Picture File.pdf 343 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 10 AP-3.10 Picture Text File.pdf 281 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 11 AP-3.11 Tariff File.pdf 334 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 12 REMS API Documentation.pdf 975 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 13 Roadside interface to AutoPASS HUB.pdf 11 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 14 Interface specification for AutoPASS HUB.pdf 603 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 Annex 15 Messaging interface for Roadside Components.pdf 118 KB
SSA-V Appendix 1 The Customer’s specification of needs and specification of requirements.pdf 308 KB
SSA-V Appendix 2 Annex 1 Supplier solution specification form.xlsx 22 KB
SSA-V Appendix 2 The Supplier’s solution specification.docx 81 KB
SSA-V Appendix 3 Equipment and or software to be maintained.pdf 153 KB
SSA-V Appendix 6 Administrative provisions.docx 97 KB
SSA-V Appendix 7 Total price and price provisions.docx 85 KB
SSA-V Appendix 8 Amendments to the general agreement text.docx 81 KB
SSA-V Appendix 9 Changes to the delivery after conclusion of the Agreement.pdf 88 KB
SSA-V Appendix 10 Standard license terms for standard software and free software.docx 82 KB
SSA-V Appendix 11 Data Processing Agreement Appendices.pdf 407 KB
SSA-V Appendix 11 Data Processing Agreement.pdf 293 KB
SSA-R Appendix 5 Annex 1 Bill of Quantities.xlsx 265 KB
SSA-V Appendix 4 Project and progress schedule for the establishment phase.docx 83 KB
SSA-V Appendix 5 Service level with standardised compensation.docx 99 KB

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