ANSK-23-0153 Konfokalmikroskop BIOMED


Negotiated procedure with a call for competition
12/4/2024 10:22 AM (GMT+01:00)
4/26/2024 12:00 PM (GMT+02:00)


Universitetet i Bergen Universitetet i Bergen
Steinar Hesthammer Steinar Hesthammer
Postboks 7800
5020 Bergen

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Universitetet i Bergen ved Institutt biomedision skal anskaffe et brukervennlig, allsidig og avansert konfokalt system som dekker et bredt spekter av mulige applikasjoner og tillater bruk av ulike fluorokromer og prøvedimensjoner.

For mer informasjon se Vedlegg 01.

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
3-AllDocuments.pdf 497 KB
Samtlige vedlagte 534 KB
2-10 Appendix 07 Options.doc 42 KB
2-9 Appendix 06 Subsequent changes.docx 31 KB
2-8 Appendix 05 Changes to the general contractual wording.doc 55 KB
2-7 Appendix 04 Testing and approval.doc 43 KB
2-6 Appendix 03b Price matrix.xlsx 23 KB
2-5 Appendix 03a Price and payment terms.docx 34 KB
2-4 Appendix 02 Suppliers solution description.doc 37 KB
2-3 Appendix 01 Customer Specification.docx 60 KB
2-2 General Contract Terms Goods.pdf 311 KB
2-1 Agreement document.docx 62 KB
1-3 Declaration of commitment.docx 27 KB
1-1 Request form.doc 50 KB
Spørsmål og svar.pdf 30 KB
Tender document above EEA threshold value.pdf 292 KB
European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) UiB English version.pdf 412 KB

Mercell Holding AS

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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