Files (click "Show interest" to get access)
Name |
Size |
Contract_performance_clauses_for_safeguarding_basic_human_rights_in_the_supply_chain_FINAL_17 Sept 2021.pdf |
211 KB |
Kontraktsvilkår - Engelskversjon Lønns- og arbeidsvilkår.pdf |
102 KB |
Generelle kontraktsvilkår varer iBOTT_Januar 2023_EN.pdf |
275 KB |
Approval protocol.pdf |
37 KB |
Agreement Document - Oscilloskop .docx |
46 KB |
Appendices 1_2 requirement specification_answers_Oscilloskop.xlsx |
94 KB |
Appendix 3_Total price and payment terms Oscilloskope.docx |
38 KB |
Appendices 4_5_9 Oscilloskop.docx |
3.71 MB |
Agreement Document - Arbitrary wave generator .docx |
46 KB |
Appendices 1_2 requirement specification_answers _ AWG.xlsx |
94 KB |
Appendix 3_Total price and payment terms AWG.docx |
37 KB |
Appendices 4_5_9 AWG.docx |
3.71 MB |
Del III Åpen Anbudskonkurranse.pdf |
305 KB |
ESPD.pdf |
460 KB |
Spørsmål og svar.pdf |
2 KB |