IKI Lietuva, UAB announces "Thermal transport boxes" price inquiry (procurement) and inviting to send your offers.
All the prices in the tender Documents must be presented in EUR without VAT in net prices.
Delivery options: DAP Vilnius (Plungės street 4, Vilnius), Panevėžys (J. Tilvyčio g. 181, Vaišvilčių I k., Upytės sen., Panevėžio r.) or EXW.
Proposal must be set up via Mercell platform
by 2023-08-28If you need more information about purchase please do not hesitate to contact Justas Širvinskas, +370 674 36413,
justas.sirvinskas@iki.ltIf you have Mercell platform questions please do not hesitate to contact by phone No.. tel: +370 673 88676, el. paštas:
vada@mercell.comIKI Lithuania is part of REWE Group and one of the biggest retail chains in Lithuania. Seeking to optimize the supply chain operations we are looking for reusable thermal transport boxes to transport fresh fish on ice in specified conditions.