Roll containers and shelves pk-LT-23-0027


8/14/2023 10:01 AM (GMT+02:00)
8/21/2023 8:00 PM (GMT+02:00)


IKI Lietuva UAB IKI Lietuva UAB
Renata Lukšienė Renata Lukšienė
Pilaitės pr. 42
LT-06222 Vilnius

Closing date has passed.

Short description

IKI Lietuva, UAB announces "Roll containers and shelves"  price inquiry (procurement) and inviting to send your offers.
All the prices  in the tender Documents must be presented in  EUR without VAT in net prices.
Delivery place: Lithuania (to be specified in Excel attached)
Proposal must be set up via  Mercell platform by 2023-08-21
If you need more information about purchase please do not hesitate to contact Justinas Širvinskas,, +370 674 36413
If you have  Mercell platform questions please do not hesitate to contact by phone No.. tel: +370 673 88676, el. paštas:

Roll containers and shelves for new warehouse project in VLC and PLC.

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
paraiška 350 KB
info about company.xlsx 27 KB

Mercell Holding AS

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