Speed up the Development of and Access to Innovative Medical Countermeasures


01 - Prior information notice
Not applicable
7/17/2023 9:39 AM (GMT+02:00)


European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), HADEA.A.2 – EU4Health/SMP Food European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), HADEA.A.2 – EU4Health/SMP Food
COV2, Place Charles Rogier 16
1210 Brussels

Short description

The subject of this call for tenders is to conclude service contracts for the purchasing of clinical and non-clinical services to speed up availability and access to innovative medical countermeasures (MCMs). The innovative MCMs include promising solutions that are indicated to diagnose/detect, prevent, protect from or treat conditions associated to serious cross border health threats. This lot will support the assessment of the candidate’s efficacy and further assessment of safety (within Phase II clinical trials), as well as any development that helps identify the most promising preparation, dose, and schedule to be tested in Phase III clinical trials.

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