EU Knowledge Hub on Prevention of Radicalisation


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5/2/2023 9:23 AM (GMT+02:00)


European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (HOME), HOME.D.3 - Prevention of Radicalisation European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (HOME), HOME.D.3 - Prevention of Radicalisation
Rue du Luxembourg 46
1000 Brussels

Short description

The European Commission is setting up an EU Knowledge Hub to strengthen the EU policy to prevent and counter radicalisation leading to violent extremism and terrorism. The EU Knowledge Hub will be steered by the Commission and its main task will be to support Member States and other stakeholders in preventing and countering radicalisation. Its main objectives will be to consolidate and disseminate knowledge and expertise as well as to support Member States in developing strategies and practices in this field. It will also foster the implementation of prevention measures at national, European and international level by bringing together policy makers and practitioners - with the support of researchers- working on prevention and consolidating further their efforts. It will build on the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) launched by the Commission in 2011. The Commission is seeking to establish a framework contract for the delivery of services in the field of preventing radicalisation, including among others: — facilitating, stimulating and enhancing the exchange of experiences and expertise between policy makers, practitioners and researchers in prevention work in the EU as well as supporting priority third countries/regions in their efforts to counter radicalisation, — consolidating knowledge and sharing good practices including support in the implementation of EU priorities, — building, maintaining and supporting online communities, facilitating networking and the dissemination of knowledge and expertise, — maintaining and uploading content on a dedicated website, — supporting policy makers to understand future trends and emerging threats in P-CVE, — building and regularly updating a database of radicalisation experts, — producing communication products and managing a social media presence, — organising workshops, meetings, events and large-scale conferences, — organising trainings and webinars and providing tailor-made support services to Member States and priority third countries on prevention of radicalisation. The contract duration will be of a maximum of 4 years. The estimated total value will be EUR 60 000 000. The Commission expects to publish the call in the first half of 2023 with a deadline for submitting offers in autumn 2023. The signature of the contract is envisaged for early 2024.

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