Automated Resist Processing System


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
3/10/2023 9:43 AM (GMT+01:00)


Lunds universitet Lunds universitet
Emir Kurtanovic
Box 117
22100 Lund

Assignment text

Scope Lund Nano Lab is planning to purchase an automated wafer processing cluster tool for spin coating and development. This system must contain process automation and be capable of performing sample preparation including adhesion promotion HMDS coating, resist spin-coating, sample baking and automated wet chemical development with minimum manual handling, via user-defined recipes. The system must be capable of handling several of our most sensitive and commonly used resists. A key attribute of the system will be the ability to form uniform and repeatable resist coating results and highly controlled development times of wafers post-exposure. The tool must also contain several hotplates so that different temperatures can be programed simultaneously, and samples are transferred to these without user intervention via robotic arms.

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