1107304/-05 Ocean Space Centre K665-05 Roof Mounted Carriages (OB)


02 - Contract notice
Competitive procedure with negotiation
12/16/2022 9:36 PM (GMT+01:00)
1/16/2023 12:00 PM (GMT+01:00)


Jan Petter Nærby Jan Petter Nærby
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 6
Postboks 232 Sentrum

0103 OSLO

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Ocean Space Center (OSC) vil bli lokalisert på Tyholt i Trondheim, Norge, og vil huse forsknings- og høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner som opererer under ett tak, og sømløst integrerer grunnleggende og anvendte forskningsområder innen havteknikk og biovitenskap. Når OSC er fullført, vil det bestå av et unikt utvalg av laboratorier med enkle og robuste studentlaboratorier, svært avanserte laboratorier for grunnleggende forskning, noen av verdens største hydrodynamiske laboratorier for storskala og industriell forskning, og til slutt fullskala feltlaboratorier i fjord- og havområdene utenfor Trondheim. Alt dette kombinert med avanserte beregnings- og numeriske fasiliteter. De nye laboratoriene skal erstatte de eksisterende anleggene som i dag er lokalisert på Tyholt i Trondheim.

This is the first step in a two-step tender. If you want to see the second step and access tender documents, please follow this link: K665-05 Roof Mounted Carriages (OB) - invitation to tender

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
A2 - 1107305 OSC K665-05 Quotation form Roof Mounted Carriages.docx 97 KB
A3 - 1107305 OSC K665-05 Agreement Roof Mounted Carriages.docx 85 KB
A4 - Statsbygg amendments to Orgalime-SI14.DOCX 97 KB
A5 - Non-Disclosure Agreement.docx 72 KB
A6 - OSC-80-SB-Q-SD-00001 Administration Procedures Suppliers.pdf 308 KB
B1 - OSC-30-H004-M-SP-00036_02_Scope of work description - Roof-mounted Carriages OB.pdf 289 KB
B4 - OSC-80-SB-O-DB-00001 Technical Design basis.pdf 265 KB
B5 - OSC-80-SB-O-SD-00001 Requirements for supplier documentation including DFO.pdf 365 KB
B6 - OSC-80-SB-O-SD-00003 Tagging Requirements.pdf 91 KB
B7 - OSC-80-SB-O-SD-00002 TFM-Amendment TFM-tagging of User Equipment.pdf 247 KB
B9 - OSC-80-SB-O-SD-00008 Strategy for Systematic Completion of BUT.pdf 288 KB
B10 - OSC-80-SB-Q-SD-00004 Quality plan.pdf 877 KB
B11 - OSC-30-SB-O-SD-00008_03_Grensesnittsbeskrivelse K203 Interface Description K203.pdf 419 KB
B12 - OSC-30-SB-O-SD-00004 Interface matrix.pdf 63 KB
B13 - OSC-30-H004-Z-RA-00004 Material selection report.pdf 455 KB
B14 - OSC-30-H004-Z-RA-00002 Requirements for corrosion protective coatings.pdf 283 KB
C1 - OSC-80-SB-O-PL-00001 Project overall progress plan.pdf 341 KB
C2 - OSC-30-SB-O-PL-00015 K665-05 Timeline.pdf 53 KB
F1 - OSC-30-SB-Y-MA-00005 Statsbygg OSC HSWE Plan.pdf 2.38 MB
F2 - OSC-30-SB-Y-SP-00003 Special requirements for HSWE and seriousness'.pdf 128 KB
F3 - OSC-30-SB-Y-MA-00004 Self-reporting by supplier.pdf 95 KB
F4 - OSC-80-SB-Å-SD-00002 BIM requirements for special equipment.pdf 362 KB
F5 - OSC-80-SB-Å-SD-00003 SIMBA 2.0 General requirements (spreadsheet).xlsx 74 KB
F6 - OSC-SB-O-SD-00012 Digitalization Action Plan.pdf 434 KB
F6.1 - OSC-80-SB-O-SD-00012 Action plan for digitization - Appendix 1 BIM requirements.pdf 607 KB
F7 - OSC-80-SB-Å-SD-00001 General Attributes and properties in BIM models.pdf 240 KB
A0 - 1107305 OSC K665-05 Invitation to prequalify Roof Mounted Carriages OB.pdf 490 KB
A1 - 1107305 OSC K665-05 Invitation to tender Roof Mounted Carriages.pdf 800 KB

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