Framework agreement for analysis in the research and higher education sector


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
12/6/2022 9:18 AM (GMT+01:00)


Kunnskapsdepartementet Kunnskapsdepartementet
Heidi Åmot
Kirkegata 18
0153 Oslo

Assignment text

The purpose of this framework agreement is to meet the knowledge needs in the Ministry of Education, which requires R&D assignments of a certain scope and duration. The framework agreement will consist of sub-projects within the thematic delineation in the call for tenders, as well as a flexible part that the Ministry of Education can use to order knowledge bases on an ongoing basis. In order to meet different competence needs and ensure the necessary breadth and flexibility, the framework agreement assumes that the knowledge community to whom the assignment will be awarded involves other relevant knowledge communities as needed in order to expand and supplement its own competence profile. Tenderers will be given the flexibility to propose relevant issues and sub-projects within the thematic framework described in the call for tenders, and defined sub-projects will be included as part of the agreement upon entry into the contract. The contractor/knowledge community will also be invited to contribute to developing good and relevant sub-projects in connection with ongoing knowledge needs.

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