Market survey (RFI) on the boat routes between Bergen, Nordfjord, Sogn and Flåm.


01 - Prior information notice
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7/5/2022 9:51 AM (GMT+02:00)


Vestland fylkeskommune v/ Skyss Vestland fylkeskommune v/ Skyss
Åshild Fossgard Sandøy
postboks 7900
5020 Bergen

Short description

Skyss would like to start work on formulation the tender documentation for the operation of the boat routes between Bergen, Nordfjord, Sogn and Flåm. Work has been ongoing on new technology systems in different parts of the market, and the technology picture can therefore have changed from the last time that Skyss held a market dialogue on these routes. We therefore see a need to hold a new dialogue round with several parts of the market in order to get updated knowledge. The dialogue is about: • What technology concept is relevant for a tender contest in 2022/23? • How much time is necessary for the preparation and implementation of the relevant technology concept? • Is it relevant to have a later phase-in/upscaling of zero emission operation? • What are the extra costs for a tender contest in 2022/23? • What are the emissions and efficiency of the relevant technology concept? • What is the need for facilitation for the relevant technology concept? This is a market survey where we would like written input from operators, system integrators, and shipyards/design environments. By system integrator we mean actors that design the energy system (energy transfer, energy store, engine, and propulsion system). Skyss will, based on the received written input, assess whether there is a need for any video meetings with parts of the market, particularly shipyards and system integrators. Any meetings will be held in week 35. Skyss request that all input is submitted by 22 August 2022 at 12:00. Input is to be sent by email to Åshild Sandøy ( and Einar Aalen Hunsager ( Input from the market is important so that Skyss can formulate the best possible tender documentation for these routes. All information will be dealt with anonymously and will only be used in aggregate form. We appreciate all the effort put into this by all actors in such market dialogues, and hope that the market can again help Skyss to get an updated picture of the market situation and the relevant technical status for these routes. As of today, the routes are served by four vessels, of which two of the vessels have a capacity of 290 passengers, one of 190, and one of 174 passengers. Route distance between 250 and 280 km. Journey time each direction between 4.5 and 5.5 hours. Average speed 32 knots. Number of sailings per direction 22. Number of kilometres a year, approx. 560,000 km See the attached document for information on the routes and questions.

Mercell Holding AS

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