Short description
The contracting authority is the Agency for Urban Environment. The Agency is the municipality’s professional body for, amongst other things, roads, road traffic and public transport on roads. The contracting authority is responsible for the municipal roads network, including the standardised county roads network. As the road administrator, the contracting authority is responsible for follow-up the requirements for measures against noise and air pollution from roads. Cf. the Pollution Control Act. The contracting authority is also responsible for long-term public transport planning, traffic and street plans, traffic safety measures and plans for practicable public transport traffic measures. An important part of this administrative responsibility is related to the procurement of services for the operation and maintenance of the road network in order to ensure good conditions for all road users. The aim of the procurement is to enter into a service contract for the renewal of the asphalt cover on roads, streets, pavements, and foot and cycle paths in order to take care of the infrastructure and previous investments, and to improve the standard of the road network.