Divestment of Danish State Railways Component Workshops and a Maintenance and Supply Agreement with the Divested Company


06 - Contract award notice - utilities
Award of a contract without prior publication of a call for competition
7/28/2021 9:35 AM (GMT+02:00)


Heike Milling Thyssen
Telegade 2
2630 Taastrup

Assignment text

The Danish State Railways (DSB) intends to divest its currently in-house component workshops to secure a viable business model for continued operation and growth of these activities, and the continuous availability of the skill and expertise required to service the DSB specific rolling stock and uphold DSB’s security of supply. To secure this DSB has carried out a publicly announced, auction-like sales procedure for the shares in the divested company and prepared a Maintenance and Supply Agreement between DSB and the divested company for services to DSB’s current fleet of rolling stock for 5 years with conditional renewal options. As the divestment is the primary purpose of this transaction, the Maintenance and Supply Agreement is not subject to the procurement rules of the Utilities Directive.

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