Legal and Financial Services Regarding Assignments Related to the Toll Collection Sector


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
5/10/2021 9:42 AM (GMT+02:00)


Samferdselsdepartementet Samferdselsdepartementet
Postboks 8010 Dep.
0030 Oslo

Assignment text

The Ministry of Transport wants to enter into a contract for legal and financial services in further work with the toll collection sector. The Ministry is concerned with an efficient operation, low financial risk and clear responsibilities. The assignment may include assessments of: • questions regarding company law; • organisation and alterations in the toll collection sector; • various assessments; • financing, financial risk and guarantees; • guarantee liabilities; • questions related to the Norwegian Road Traffic Act § 27; • questions related to the use of public means; • alterations of the system of agreements and public authorities; • compliance with the EEA law and regulations, including questions related to state subsidies, public procurements; etc. • questions related to the issuing market; • other legal and financial consultancy related to toll collection and other user funding.

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