Pulje - Call for Applications for EUopSTART – General Terms and Conditions 2021


Not applicable
4/26/2021 9:57 AM (GMT+02:00)
8/24/2021 12:00 AM (GMT+02:00)


Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet
Børsgade 4
1215 København K

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Call for Applications for EUopSTART – General Terms and Conditions 2021

Call for EUopSTART 2021

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of EUopSTART is to intensify the participation of Danish research institutions and enterprises in European research and innovation. That is why EUopSTART offers grants to fund Danish enterprises' and research institutions' preparatory activities in drawing up applications for a selected number of European research programmes under Horizon Europe.

1.2. Funding and Application Procedure

You will be able to submit EUopSTART applications from 29 March 2021 until and including 2 November 2021. During this period, there will be 3 cut-offs at 12.00 p.m. (noon) on the following dates:

18 May 2021

24 August 2021

2. November 2021

After each cut-off, the Agency will process the applications which have been received since the last cut-off date. Each cut-off has been allocated DKK 6.5 million.

The Agency will perform a qualitative evaluation of all applications; see the criteria in Subsection 1.9. Grants will be awarded to those applications which the Agency assesses as best meeting the criteria. Unsuccessful applications may be resubmitted before the subsequent cut-off date.

In order to be eligible for a grant, applications must meet the requirements described in the following Subsections 1.3 – 1.8.

1.3. Who is Eligible?

All organisations (public organisations, including municipalities and regions, and private organisations) who are eligible and approved for applying for a Horizon Europe grant etc. (see Section 1.4) may apply for a EUopSTART grant.

The Agency awards EUopSTART grants to applications that are related to projects that benefit Danish research and innovation. These projects must also be conducted by public- or private-sector enterprises and research institutions domiciled in Denmark. It is the organisation and not the individual researcher who receives a grant from EUopSTART.

Please note that legal organisations seeking to participate in research programmes under Horizon Europe are required to have sufficient financial means to maintain co-financing of their project participation and to document their payroll costs of participation.

Furthermore, participants are required to possess the requisite research capacity and capability for engaging in international alliances on high-level research. In the research and development projects, the project participants are expected to contribute to the advancement of pioneering, state-of-the-art science and technology, including development as well as integration of and cooperation in research infrastructures of European interest.

1.4 Which Joint European Research Programmes are Eligible?

Under Horizon Europe, you can apply for EUopSTART funding for the all sub-programmes including calls for partnerships and missions. However, only calls where the funds are made subject to competition are eligible.

You can also apply for funding for those ERA-NETs et cetera that have been established under Horizon 2020 and continue for the first years of Horizon Europe.

1.5 General Application Requirements

The applicant must meet the grant eligibility criteria (see Subsection 1.3), and the grant period must be of minimum one month's duration (see Subsection 1.8). The application must be written in Danish or English. Applicants can apply for grants for EU calls with an application deadline falling no later than 31 December 2022.

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