Market Dialogue — Procurement of Sample Taking and Analysis


01 - Prior information notice
Not applicable
4/21/2021 9:58 AM (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/Sykehjemsetaten Oslo kommune v/Sykehjemsetaten
Lene Moen Sara
Nedre Slottsgate 3
0157 Oslo

Short description

This is a procurement that involves sample taking and analysing the samples. The tenderer will primarily carry out venous blood samples requisitioned by a doctor, ensure that the samples are analysed, and that the results are given to the respective nursing homes through Gerica. We would like feedback and input from suppliers on this procurement. This is a procurement that involves sample taking and analysing the samples. The tenderer will primarily carry out venous blood samples requisitioned by a doctor, ensure that the samples are analysed, and that the results are given to the respective nursing homes through Gerica. We would like feedback and input from suppliers on this procurement.

Mercell Holding AS

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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