Procurement of a MOMD-system


01 - Prior information notice
Not applicable
4/2/2021 10:34 AM (GMT+02:00)


Lørenskog kommune Lørenskog kommune
Marianne Lund
Hasselveien 6
1471 Lørenskog

Short description

The objective of the notice is to notify the market of the draft of the tender documentation prior to the publication of a call for tenders, and to receive feedback on whether the requirements set after the market dialogue are appropriate. The aim of the planned procurement is to procure and implement a uniform and ready-developed digital SaaS system for a new uniform MOMD system for Lørenskog Municipality. The system must see to the process of management, operation, maintenance, and development of building and construction sites, rental of housing, as well as the care and management of parks and landscape areas in a uniform way. The new system will replace several of the current systems and ensure that MOM documentation and drawings are saved in a joint and structured way. This information is currently fragmented and unstructured, and we envisage that the actual transition to a new system will be carried out in a separate project for implementation/start-up. The supplier of the new system must reckon on having a central role in this project, we will therefore emphasise tenderers' experience from equivalent implement projects. The contracting authority requests feedback by 16 April 2021, 14.00 from the market on whether the requirements are appropriate. A draft of the requirements specification is attached. The contracting authority requests that comments/notes on each requirement are added to the column ‘detailed reply’. Feedback must be submitted to and marked with ‘21/2180 prior information notice for the procurement of a MOMD system.’

Mercell Holding AS

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