Parallel Framework Agreements for Structural Craft Services


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
3/1/2021 2:37 PM (GMT+01:00)


Oslo kommune v/Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF Oslo kommune v/Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF
Live Årstein
Besøksadresse: Grenseveien 78 C, 0663 Oslo Postadresse: Postboks 6391 Etterstad
0604 Oslo

Assignment text

Oslo municipality, c/o the municipal undertaking for social service buildings, hereafter referred to as the ‘Contracting Authority’ invites tenderers to an open tender contest for parallel framework agreements regarding compound craft services. The Municipal Undertaking for Social Service Buildings (Norwegian: OBY) is a municipal enterprise owned by Oslo municipality to develop, build, operate, and maintain purpose-built buildings. Per January 2019 the combined building area is approx. 870 000 m The contracting authority shall enter into parallel framework agreements with 5 tenderers. The framework agreements will have a duration of 4 years.

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