Hire of Trawler for Research Fishing — Mechanisms for Limiting Catch Quantity in Trawling for Blue Whiting — New Notice


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
1/21/2021 9:22 AM (GMT+01:00)


Fiskeridirektoratet Fiskeridirektoratet
Erik Myrmel Erik Myrmel
Strandgaten 229
5004 Bergen

Assignment text

The vessel will be hired for operation in the period from approx. 16 March 2021 to approx. 30 March 2021, or by further agreement between the lessee and the lessor. The contract will be valid for 14 days and nights with an option to extend for 4 days and nights, from the further agreed start date. The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries pays a fixed rental price in accordance with the contract with the service provider. Other expenses are to be covered by the service provider. However, reservations are made in relation to financing and internal priorities. A specified contract will be signed with the tenderers who sign a contract. More detailed requirements for the services are given in Annex 1 — the contracting authority's requirement specifications.

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