Folding seats for MX3000


Competitive procedure with negotiation
1/13/2021 12:37 PM (GMT+01:00)


Sporveien AS Sporveien AS
Nils Harald Løvdal Roland
Økernveien 9
0608 Oslo

Assignment text

The Procuring Entity is in the process of performing service on existing rolling stock of Metro trains (MX3000 trains, made by Siemens). A part of the service is to change the folding seats on all trains. The change will be performed over the coming years.

The total number of folding seats to be replaced is 3450 (30 seats per train, 115 trains).

Dato for kontraktstildeling: 03-12-2020
Antall mottatte tilbud: 2
Kontaktpunkt for leverandøren som har blitt tildelt kontrakten:
Daimex AS, 2016 Frogner, NO.

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