Bank Services


02 - Contract notice
Competitive procedure with negotiation
1/12/2021 9:56 AM (GMT+01:00)
2/11/2021 12:00 PM


Ålesund kommune Ålesund kommune
Stian Kinnunen
Postboks 1521
6025 Ålesund

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Ålesund kommune, Giske kommune, Sula kommune, Sykkylven kommune, Stranda kommune and Hareid kommune with subsidiary companies (Contracting authority) will procure a new supplier for main bank services. Through the establishment of a framework agreement, the contracting authority will get efficient operations supported. The contracting authority must also provide the possibility of operating credit, financing and liquidity management. A contract will be signed with one tenderer. The contract does not commit a specific volume. A detailed description of the delivery is in Appendix 1 of the contract. The contract duration is 2 years from the signing date with an option to extend the contract for a further 1 year + 1 year. The value of the procurement in the form of fees, provisions, interest and other forms of remuneration are anticipated to be around NOK 10 million over the contract period including options.

Mercell Holding AS

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