A Framework Agreement for the Delivery of School Books and Teaching Aids for the Primary and Secondary Schools in the Participating Municipalities


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
3/11/2020 10:03 AM (GMT+01:00)


Felles Innkjøpskontor for Nord-Gudbrandsdalen Felles Innkjøpskontor for Nord-Gudbrandsdalen
Erik Lindseth
Edvard Storms veg 2
2680 Vågå

Assignment text

A framework agreement for the purchase of school books and teaching aids for covering the curricula for the primary and lower secondary school system. The agreement must also include an non-exclusive option for the contracting authority for purchase and delivery of independent online based teaching resources. The framework agreement must mainly include school books for the primary and secondary schools and all materials including in textbook series: basic books, workbooks, key books, books of exercises, teacher's guidelines, associated digital teaching aids/explorative aids, specialised books, CDs, audio books, etc.

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