Procurement of an Interaction Contract in Partnering for Engineering Design and Development of Benterud School and Multi-Purpose Hall


02 - Contract notice
Open procedure
1/17/2020 9:43 AM (GMT+01:00)
2/18/2020 12:00 PM


Lørenskog Kommune Lørenskog Kommune
Are Einum
Hasselveien 6
1471 Lørenskog

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Lørenskog Kommune [Lørenskog Municipality] has a strong population growth and there is a need to expand the primary school capacity ref. case KS 129/17 (15.11.2017). The result of the case is a planned development portfolio where Benterud School that currently has 2 parallel classes, will be expanded with 2 parallel classes for the start of the 2023 school year. Cf. Appendix 7 The County Council's decision on 3.4.2019 KS 036/19 Benterud school, expansion – V1818 – BP1. The adopted expansion of Benterud school includes an expansion of all classes (1

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