Business Management System for Indre Østfold kommune [Indre Østfold Municipality]


15 - Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
Award of a contract without prior publication of a call for competition
12/24/2019 9:50 AM (GMT+01:00)


Askim kommune Askim kommune
Kristian Holm Espenes
Skolegata 12
1830 Askim

Assignment text

The municipalities of Askim, Eidsberg, Hobøl, Spydeberg and Trøgstad will merge to become the new Indre Østfold kommune [Indre Østfold municipality] as of 1.1.2020. The new municipality has a need to procure a comprehensive system for business management and analysis that integrates with the municipality's economy system and that support the entire economic fiscal year wheel, including financial plan, budgeting, business plan, reporting and follow-up of goal achievement. The system must also be able to generate digital and user-friendly budgets and report documents that are published on the web.

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