Framework Agreement/Service Contract — Level Measuring System for Sanitation Purposes


02 - Contract notice
Open procedure
6/20/2019 10:03 AM (GMT+02:00)
8/14/2019 12:00 PM


Sandnes Kommune Sandnes Kommune
Steven Mellum Steven Mellum
Rådhusgata 1
4306 Sandnes
964 965 137

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The Contracting Authority needs to enter into a Framework Agreement for a level measuring system for sanitation purposes, in addition to a service contract for the operation of a level measuring system in the sensor's lifetime. The winner of this contest will get both contracts, as they belong together, for each respective municipality. Most of the Framework Agreement's volume will be used at the start of the contract period. The scope of the goods/service cost that is to be priced is in the price sheet. Attention is drawn to the fact that the licence/service cost will form the basis for the service contract, and that the size of the service contract will correspond with call-offs on the Framework Agreement and how many of these sensors are in operation at any one time.

Mercell Holding AS

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