Spring Cleaning and Building Cleaning Services


02 - Contract notice
Open procedure
3/1/2019 9:38 AM (GMT+01:00)
4/11/2019 10:00 AM


Asker kommune Asker kommune
Hilde Bjerke
Postboks 353
1372 Asker
944 382 038

Closing date has passed.

Short description

The Contracting Authority needs to enter into a Framework Agreement on spring cleaning and building cleaning services for all flats and accommodations at the municipality’s disposal. The Framework Agreement will also be used by other activities in the municipality, for various assignments. The Framework Agreement shall also cover the requirements for Røyken and Hurum municipalitis up until the municipal merge 1.1.2020. Asker, Røyken and Hurum will then be merge to 1 municipality.

Mercell Holding AS

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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