Subscription services for consulting, research results and analysis.


Kontraktsinngåelse uten kunngjøring av konkurranse
22.03.2017 09.39 (GMT+01:00)


Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet, Økonomi- og styringsavdelingen, Anskaffelsesseksjonen Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet, Økonomi- og styringsavdelingen, Anskaffelsesseksjonen
Postboks 5, St Olavs plass
0130 Oslo
889 640 782


Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet, Økonomi- og styringsavdelingen, Anskaffelsesseksjonen 889 640 782 Postboks 5, St Olavs plass Oslo 0130 +47 2107000 Subscription services for consulting, research results and analysis. 17/5000 NAV is of the opinion that we have the right to enter into contract without announcing a competition, and in this connection we wish to announce a notice of intent. NAV believes that there is only one supplier in the market. NAV currently has an agreement with Gartner for subscriptions on consulting, research results and analysis. The agreement period expires 31.3.2017, an we therefore wish to sign a new contract. 6.20 Oslo. See the basis below. If no other supplier reports that they are a relevant tenderer or would like further information, NAV will sign a three year contract with Gartner with an option on 1 year + 1 year. The deadline for responding is ten days from the date of the notice. NAV is of the opinion that only Gartner can deliver this subscription service. During previous procurement, most recently in 2012, it has been questioned that there is only one tenderer who can deliver these services. NAV's own experience, and the experience of other agencies shows that Gartner is the only supplier to respond to this type of agreement. NAV's IT department/IT agreements, have mapped the market via internet searches and discussions with other government agencies. The results show that all of the potential competitors reviewed do not fulfil the requirement for services and the range of services that the agency utilised and has defined as a services requirement for research and analysis. 2017-03-17 Gartner Oslo 0277 6.20 NAV Oslo 0557 2017-03-21

See tender at TED:

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