This year’s topic is English-speaking countries from very different corners of the world: India, Jamaica and Nigeria, all of which are former British colonies. Today, they are linked through their membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.

When we study English, the main focus is often on the UK and the USA, but in this year's exam the focus has been shifted to different perspectives on life in other English-speaking countries. The topic has been inspired by the wish to broaden perspectives on the diversity of English-speaking countries.

The preparation material will inform you about different aspects of traditions and lifestyles in India, Jamaica and Nigeria. You will read about people dealing with life situations determined by the conditions in the places where they live, and you will also find facts about each of these three countries.

This will hopefully inspire you to explore new ideas and thoughts on this year’s topic. You can also look for more information from other sources, including what you have worked with in your English class. Make a note of useful words and phrases and remember to note down your sources.