Patient transport services, Rygge, Råde and Våler.


Atklāts konkurss
02.06.2017 10:54 (GMT+03:00)
06.06.2017 14:00


Sykehuset Østfold HF Sykehuset Østfold HF
Martin Tollefsen
Postboks 300
1714 Grålum
983 971 768

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Sykehusinnkjøp, on behalf of the Hospital Østfold, hereby invites to a tender contest for a framework agreement regarding the procurement of Patient transport services in Råde, Våler and Rygge, respectively. The patient transport services shall be carried out by small cars. The framework agreements shall cover all needs for patients with requisitions who shall travel to /from treatment and be paid by Østfold Hospital, SØ (the Contracting Authority), cf. the medical transport regulation. Included is travel with the hospital's white requisitions. Also employees on official travel should be able to use this agreement. Sykehusinnkjøp, on behalf of the Hospital Østfold, hereby invites to a tender contest for a framework agreement regarding the procurement of Patient transport services in Råde, Våler and Rygge, respectively. The patient transport services shall be carried out by small cars.

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