Framework agreement for service and maintenance/modernisation of a ventilation and comfort cooling system.


Atklāts konkurss
02.06.2017 10:53 (GMT+03:00)
09.06.2017 11:00


Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF
Christian Fredrik Henden
Posboks 2773 Solli
0201 Oslo
985 987 246

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Oslo municipality, the Municipal Undertaking for Social Service Buildings, henceforth also referred to as the Contracting Authority, shall enter into a framework agreement for service and maintenance of ventilation systems. The objective of the framework agreement is to ensure operations and maintenance of buildings administered by the Contracting Authority.

The assignment is intended to include services and maintenance/modernisations of the ventilation and comfort cooling system, the cooling systems in computer rooms belonging to the Contracting Authority's building portfolio. The agreement can be expanded to include heat pumps.

The aim of the procurement is to:

— Ensure that environmental and indoor climate requirements are fulfilled,

— Maintain the technical standards of the plant and system reliability,

— Ensure efficient operation in regards to energy consumption, administration and costs.

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