Automatic injection machine for PET radiopharmaceuticals (PET-injector).


Atklāts konkurss
05.03.2016 10:30 (GMT+02:00)
19.04.2016 12:00


Helse Vest Innkjøp HF Helse Vest Innkjøp HF
Ingrid Helene Grimelid Ingrid Helene Grimelid
Postboks 2334
5867 Bergen

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Helse Bergen HF intends to purchase one wind-up and injection machine for PET radiopharmaceuticals (PET injector) for use at the PET center.

The PET center in Helse Bergen serves currently one PET / CT scanner, and has allotted land for an additional PET scans (PET / MRI or PET / CT). The PET-center conducts annually in excess of 1500 PET examinations.

The purpose of the purchase is that the PET injector shall replace manually draw-up and injection of PET radiopharmaceuticals. The process must be sterile, simple and be performed with minimum radiation exposure to the personnel. The system will also contribute to increased accuracy and repeatability of injected dose to the patient.

Mainly the PET tracer being used is FDG, but others tracers will be relevant at a later date. It is desirable that the injector can also be used with other tracers.

The PET center has 1 to 2 daily shifts and 1 to 2 daily productions of FDG.

The PET injector desired should be able to be used for all injections. The batch must be replaced during the day without major radiation exposure to personnel. There will also be a requirement that the battery operation is compatible with this usage, even when the battery is weakened by use.

Helse Bergen HF currently utilizes system Agfa RIS / PACS and hotlab management system IBC. The offered equipment must be able to communicate ‘2-way’ (at least) with 1 of these systems.

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