Acquisition of four (4) fixed Tactical Air Navigation stations (TACAN Stations) and one (1) Tactical Air Navigation Flight Inspection System (TACAN FIS).

Informacija apie pirkimą

2017-10-24 10:27 (GMT+03:00)
2017-11-21 09:00

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)
Daniel Boye Lassen Peter Thomsen
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Pasiūlymų pateikimo terminas praėjo.

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This tender procedure concerns one (1) Contract notice divided into two (2) Contract lots where each Contract lot includes one (1) contract with one (1) framework agreement (Sustainment contract).

Contract lot 1:

Contract lot 1 concerns the acquisition of four (4) TACAN Stations including initial spare parts packages and training. For air navigation purposes DALO plans to procure four (4) new TACAN Stations which consists of a ground beacon/transponder, an antenna group and a remote/control system. The TACAN Stations are used by military aircrafts as a short-range navigation aid and as an airfield facility. The tenderers will be responsible for the installation, testing, training and setting to work for the TACAN Stations.

Contract lot 2:

Contract lot 2 concerns the acquisition of one (1) TACAN FIS including training. DALO plans to procure one (1) new TACAN FIS. The TACAN FIS shall be used for making periodical flight inspections of the procured TACAN Stations to make sure that the TACAN Stations fulfil NATO standard requirements. The tenderers will be responsible for the installation, testing, training and setting to work for the TACAN FIS.

Please notice, that the terms and conditions in the contracts and framework agreements are not identical, nor are the Requirement Specifications that are specific for each contract and each framework agreement in the Contract lots. Each Contract lot is therefore subject to their own contractual terms and conditions further specified in the contracts and framework agreements including annexes and appendixes/Special appendixes.

For each Contract lot the tenderers shall be willing to provide system sustainment (spare parts, service, and maintenance) via a framework agreement (sustainment contract) for a period of 22 years. The tenderers shall therefore make an offer on both the contract and the framework agreement to be able to make an offer for a Contract lot. Tenderers can make an offer for both Contract lots.

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