Innovation partnership seamless welfare technology services

Informacija apie pirkimą

03 - Contract award notice
Innovation Partnership
2022-08-08 10:43 (GMT+03:00)

Informacija apie pirkėją:

Agder fylkeksommune Agder fylkeksommune
Marit Svindland
Postboks 517 Lund
4605 Kristiansand

✅✅✅ Norite gauti tokią informaciją kas rytą? Užpildykite anketą viršuje spausdami "IŠBANDYTI NEMOKAMAI" ✅✅✅

Regional koordineringsgruppe e-helse Agder (RKG e-helse) [Regional Coordination Group for eHealth and Welfare Technology Agder] will use this procurement to enter into an innovation partnership to develop an open ecosystem where the goal is that the service recipients experience confidence and seamless services through using technology in their own and in institutions. In order to achieve this, we need health personnel and other employees who work with welfare technology to have fewer systems to deal with, we need to control management of equipment and other technology in a more efficient manner, and technical warnings must be easily detected and dealt with when errors occur. We want open standards facilitated for services in applications and equipment from a number of suppliers.

Mercell Lithuania UAB

Mercell yra vienas iš Europoje pirmaujančių e-pirkimų sprendimų, kuris suveda pirkėjus ir tiekėjus į vieną erdvę. Čia skelbiami viešieji pirkimai, planuojami viešieji pirkimai, privačių įmonių konkursai ir kita informacija.


Mercell klientų aptarnavimas

+370 655 3 14 21
Mercell Lithuania UAB | Žirmūnų g. 139, LT-09120 Vilnius, Lietuva