Request for information for a new CBTC signalling system for Oslo Metro.

Hankinnan yleistiedot

Ei käytettävissä
2.6.2017 10.54 (GMT+03:00)


Sporveien Oslo AS Sporveien Oslo AS
John Ytterhaug John Ytterhaug
Økernveien 9
0608 Oslo
915 070 434

Lyhyt kuvaus

In 2013 Sporveien Oslo AS performed a concept study (KVU) for a new signalling system for the metro. The conclusion was that a Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) system with a semi-automatic train operation (STO) is the preferred solution.

In 2014 Ruter performed a quality assurance (KS1) of the above mentioned KVU, with the same conclusion.

In 2015 Sporveien performed a pre-project that resulted in a Steering Document for the project.

In 2016 Ruter performed a quality assurance (KS2) of the above mentioned Steering Document, with a recommendation of the project.

This Request For Information (RFI) is a follow-up of RFIs conducted in 2013 and 2015. These RFIs had a focus on defining a scope and a budget for the project. Now Sporveien is preparing a Request For Quotation (RFQ), and the purpose of this RFI is to get deeper knowledge on functionality, technology, capacity, implementation, operation, maintenance etc.

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