Consulting Engineer for buildings (RIB)

Hankinnan yleistiedot

02 - Hankintailmoitus (2)
Avoin menettely
24.2.2020 10.36 (GMT+02:00)
5.3.2020 12.00


Sola kommune Sola kommune
Paul Rune Svelland

Määräaika on umpeutunut

Lyhyt kuvaus

The framework agreement must include consulting engineers (RIB) The objective of the agreement is to safeguard the contracting authority's ongoing need for consultancy service for smaller projects. For major projects where the total limit exceeds 20 000 000 NOK, the contracting authority reserves the to publish separate contests. The framework agreement period is 2 years, with an option for the contracting authority for further 1 + 1 year extension, to a total of 4 years. The options will be automatically taken up unless the contracting authority gives notification otherwise at the latest 3 months before the contract or option year expires.

Mercell Suomi Oy

Osa Mercell-ryhmää, Euroopan johtavaa hankintapalvelujen sekä sähköisen kilpailutusjärjestelman tuottajaa.

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