Framework agreement for recruitment services.


Avatud menetlus
14.10.2017 10:23 (GMT+03:00)
20.11.2017 10:00


Miljødirektoratet Miljødirektoratet
Morten Mørch Morten Mørch
Brattørkaia 15B
7010 Trondheim
999 601 391

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The The Norwegian Environment Agency shall enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer for recruitment services. The main objective of the tender contest is to recruit managers for various levels of the organisation. The Agency may also requests recruitment services for other positions in the Agency's departments. It may be relevant to use the service provider for parts of a recruitment process. The tenderer must be able to effectively provide services in both Trondheim and Oslo. Thorough description of the delivery following Appendix 1 to the contract.

Mercell Estonia OÜ

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+372 683 6785
Mercell Estonia OÜ | Põhja puiestee 21C, 10143 Tallinn, Eesti