Stores and logistics system.


Läbirääkimistega menetlus
11.06.2014 5:35 (GMT+03:00)
06.07.2014 10:00


Jernbaneverket971 033 533 Jernbaneverket971 033 533
Morten Angell Berg
Stortorvet 7
0155 Oslo

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Norwegian Rail Administration Authority invites suppliers to participate in a negotiated procedure for the procurement of stores and logistics system. This notice regulates the prequalification of suppliers for later receipt of the complete tender documents. The aim of the contract is to implement a new joint stores and logistics system across the organisation. The system shall suport new processes, reduce manual work and increase efficiency. The system must cover the predefined processes, in which the Norwegian National Rail Authority will have a need for both the procurement and sale of material centrally, and availability for decentralised users in the line. The estimated number of users of the system will be 50 super users and up to 1 200 decentralised users. In addition the system must be integrated with the Norwegian Rail Administration Authority's maintenance and infrastructure system.

The Norwegian Rail Administration Authority will use SSA-T and SSA-V small as the basis for a later contract award. SSA-v small will only apply if the Norwegian Rail Administration Authority does not have an existing contract that covers the need.

The estimated value of the contract is approx. 11 MNOK. The contract is subject to financial grants and the final decision by managing bodies in the Norwegian Rail Administration Authority.

Based on the replies to the prequalification, the Norwegian Rail Administration Authority will invite the best 6 qualified suppliers to submit a tender.

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