Commercial brokerage services


02 - Contract notice
Avatud menetlus
07.07.2023 11:08 (GMT+03:00)
17.08.2023 12:00


Norsk Tipping AS Norsk Tipping AS
Erik Johannesen Erik Johannesen
Postboks 4414
2325 Hamar

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Norsk Tipping is constantly changing and needs flexible premises that will support new ways of working and methods. Norsk Tipping is now considering where the company should be located in the future to meet these needs. It may be applicable to move to other premises in the centre of Hamar. In connection with this, Norsk Tipping needs to enter into a framework agreement with a commercial broker.

Mercell Estonia OÜ

Mercelli gruppi kuuluv Euroopa juhtiv e-hanke keskkond vahendab infot ostjate ja tarnijate vahel.


Mercell Eesti kasutajatugi

+372 683 6785
Mercell Estonia OÜ | Põhja puiestee 21C, 10143 Tallinn, Eesti