Consultancy services in the climate and energy field


03 - Contract award notice
Avatud menetlus
10.02.2023 10:26 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Klimaetaten Oslo kommune v/ Klimaetaten
Gry Andersen
Olav Vs gate 4
0161 Oslo


The Climate Department needs access to strategic advice connected to the assessment and follow-up of R&D and pilot projects within new energy solutions, and project management of the micro-energy system at Furuset. The procurement is divided into the following lots: 1. R&D and pilot projects 2. The micro-energy system Furuset Tenders can be submitted for one or both lots. One framework agreement will be signed for lot. For lot 1 - R&D and pilot projects, the contract value is estimated to be NOK 1 million - NOK 1.5 million excluding VAT. The maximum value of the framework agreement is set to NOK 2 million excluding VAT. For lot 2 - the micro-energy system Furuset, the contract value is estimated to be NOK 2 million - NOK 2.5 million excluding VAT. The maximum value of the framework agreement is set to NOK 3 million excluding VAT. The service volume is subject to changes due to variations in the Climate Department's need from year to year, as well as available budget.

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