Inverted Fluorescent Microscope for 3D Cell Cultures


Avatud menetlus
06.02.2023 9:43 (GMT+02:00)
24.02.2023 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr
Aino Huhma Aino Huhma
P.O. Box 11000
00076 AALTO

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation is conducting research on 3D cell cultures modeling solid-tumor cancer progression. This requires an inverted fluorescent microscope, with the possibility to integrate technology without obstructing the microscope’s automation. Using a full incubation up to a week lasting time lapses enables investigation of breast-cancer progression. A detailed description of the object of the contract is in the annexes.
For further information, see Invitation to tender documents.

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Inverted Fluorescent Microscope for 3D Cell Cultures.pdf 433 KB
Inverted Fluorescent Microscope for 3D Cell 1,06 MB

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