Framework agreement, electrician services, Sortland municipality.


Offentligt udbud
22-09-2017 09:23 (GMT+02:00)
21-10-2017 12:00


Bodø kommune Bodø kommune
Jan Martin Nyström Jan Martin Nyström
Kongens gate 23, Postboks 319
8001 Bodø
972 418 013

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Samordnet Innkjøp I Salten (SIIS), with Bodø kommune as the host municipality, hereby invites tenderers to an open tender competition for entry into framework agreements for the purchase of electrician services and electro materials.

The users of this framework agreement are the Sortland municipalities.

The tenderers shall deliver service assignments on electrician services in connection with daily operations. Assignments in connection with the framework agreement will be:

— High voltage and low voltage installations,

— Internal control, according to the municipality's need,

— Expansions and amendments to data distribution networks etc.,

— Expansions and repairs of electrical installations that are connected to building and sports installations,

— Condition report for electrical installations,

— Annual training of instructed personnel in the building where it is required.

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