74892 US KLM Department of Medical Biochemistry ICP-MS.


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08-07-2017 09:38 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo universitetssykehus HF Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Trine Kjellsen
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo
993 467 049

Kort beskrivelse

Oslo University Hospital shall procure an ICP-MS instrument for trace element analyses. The instrument shall be delivered to the Department for Medical Biochemistry, Ullevål.

The Department shall analyse clinical samples, serum/plasma, urine, and possibly other bodily fluids.

Our repertory currently includes copper, zinc, selenium and aluminium. However, it may be relevant to expand this repertory in the course of time.

With the current production, the annual number of analyses is as follows:

Al 500

Selenium 2000

Zinc 3000

Copper 1000

However, the instrument must have good capacity for increased volume of analyses in relation to this.

The instrument shall preferably be connected to the laboratory data system, currently SwissLab 2

Suppliers are invited to presentations of the product. The presentations will be held Thursday 31.8.2017, from 10:00.

Registration for participation to Trine Kjellsen:


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