Road signs and traffic equipment.


Offentligt udbud
29-03-2017 09:35 (GMT+02:00)
12-05-2017 12:00


Sandefjord kommune Sandefjord kommune
Roger Stampe Roger Stampe
Pb 2025
3202 Sandefjord

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Sandefjord municipality shall enter into a 4 year framework agreement on road signs and traffic equipment for the following areas:

1. Traffic signs;

2. Road works notification;

3. Traffic compliance;

4. Traffic safety (options product group — optional for the Contracting Authority to use or not).

The estimated annual value of the agreement is 500 000 - 600 000 NOK excluding VAT. The value will vary from year to year. There is no guarantee given for annual turnover.

Deadline for submitting questions: 2.5.2017, (12:00).

The tender deadline is: 12.5.2017, (12:00).

See the tender documentation for further information on the assignment.

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