Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy maskin (ESWL maskin) for levering til Helse Bergen ved Urologisk avdeling.


Offentligt udbud
02-12-2016 09:28 (GMT+01:00)
16-01-2017 13:00


Helse Vest Innkjøp HF Helse Vest Innkjøp HF
Ingrid Helene Grimelid Ingrid Helene Grimelid
Postboks 2334
5867 Bergen

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

Helse Bergen HF wishes tenders for one Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy machine (ESWL) for use in Lithotripsy at the Urological department. The Urology department has space allocated for such a machine, and performs annually approximately 200 kidney stone crushing treatments with the ESWL machine.

The purpose of the procurement is to replace the old ESWL machine which is broken. It is important that the machine is easy to use and that fluoroscopy device minimizes radiation exposure to both staff and patients. The noise level must be as low as possible for reasons of patient, staff and surroundings.

It is desirable that the machine can be guided by both the fluoroscope and ultrasound.

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