MA2519/12E - Deliver CATI Radio audience measurement in Norway


02 - Udbudsbekendtgørelse
22-05-2012 15:30 (GMT+02:00)
29-06-2012 12:00 (GMT+02:00)
19-06-2012 00:00 (GMT+02:00)
19-06-2012 12:00 (GMT+02:00)


Norsk rikskringkasting AS Norsk rikskringkasting AS
Gitte Østhus Gitte Østhus
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons plass 1
0340 OSLO

Tidsfristen er overskredet

Kort beskrivelse

1.1    About the joint measurement of radio use in Norway

The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) Modern Times Group (MTG) and SBS Radio(SBS) (The Committee) are the owners of a joint measurement of radio use in Norway today (Radioundersøkelsen). The contract for Radioundersøkelsen ends on December 31st 2013.

Currently the Norwegian radio market is measured by a panel study using the TNS/Arbitron PPM technology. The panel size is 1000 persons in November 2011.

In addition a CATI study with 45 000 interviews is conducted in order to give local and regional stations listening data reported on daily reach only. 

The Committee have issued three separate invitations to tender for different parts of Radioundersøkelsen at this time.
1)    The Establishment survey and annual updates, for the initial design and annual maintenance of the panel part of the service. MA2542/12E
2)    The Electronic panel measurement service, giving data with a granulation of 1 minute or less for radio usage for the largest stations. MA2541/12E
3)    The CATI study giving daily reach for all stations. (In cooperation with Norsk Lokalradioforbund). MA2519/12E

1.2    The overall objective

The aim for this tender is to establish a contract according to the description in the Tender form.

The CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) radio audience measurement will measure radio use in Norway – including demographic data – at the average daily reach level. All forms of radio listening will be measured.

The Norwegian radio market has had CATI Measurement of radio by Day After Recall (DAR) since 1993 and PPM measurement of radio listening since April 2006. All channels distributed nationally, or in an area large enough to be able to make use of the panel data have joined the PPM service and the rest are using the CATI service as their currency.

The experience gained from the existing radio Services, contacts with other markets and knowledge of current developments in radio measurement systems, lead to the following expectations of the Supplier of the Service and set the requirements of the Service itself.

The purpose of the CATI study is to be able to report listening data for stations that are too small to be measured in the electronic panel study.

The CATI survey should give data for NRK’s national and regional stations and all commercial national and local stations. The CATI survey should also include all broadcasting platforms, FM, DAB, Podcast and any other future digital broadcasting platform.

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